+202 38653771 – 38653772 [email protected]


We endeavor to create meticulously planned and designed human developments the redefine the real estate market by constantly pushing the envelope with regards to quality oflife, coustomer satisfaction and return on investment.

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Our vision it to transform the way people live and work through encouraging innvoation and challenging convention.

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To fulfill our company’s vision, we will incorporate principle-centered professionalism, high ethical standards and innovative business practices and systems. Our number one value is honesty, along with integrity and fairness in dealing with our clients, customers, and colleagues.

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CEO Message

Our journey at Garden City Developments starts with every project we handle, for us it’s a new challenge, a whole new adventure we exhilaratingly accomplish…

For more than 15 years, we have been dedicated to committing ourselves to developing projects that uphold the highest standards and have a clear goal of benefiting the society, its people, and their various needs.

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Our Partners

Our Projects

Garden City Developments is dedicated to committing itself to development projects that uphold the highest standards and have a clear goal of benefiting society, its people, and their various wants and needs. With Bel Air, Garden City has built a community that offers its residents a truly visionary lifestyle for themselves, their families, and their future. The Strip takes Garden City’s expertise in the industry and creates an astonishing entertainment venue for car enthusiasts and, with its various restaurants and activities, non-car enthusiasts alike. With a passion for innovation and inspiring projects, Garden City Developments is building Egypt and its urban future, project by project.


SODIC WEST Polygon Building #5 – 1st floor Beverly Hills- Sheikh Zayed, Giza, Egypt.

+202 38653771 – 38653772